The Best 7 Best Belly Fat Exercises to Burn Stomach Fat
What exercise burns the most belly fat? Belly fat is a hindrance. It can hinder your confidence, your health, and your overall well-being. You know there is no such thing as a “get skinny quick” exercise routine. And while you can target the flab surrounding your abdomen, the best way…

The Best Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe to Kick Start Your Day
This healthy strawberry banana smoothie recipe is made with delicious and nutritious ingredients. It’s a tasty and easy recipe, perfect for a quick breakfast or snack. This smoothie recipe is an easy way to fit in some important nutrients first thing in the morning or for a quick snack. The…

This Is What Happens When You Eat Blueberries Every Day
Blueberries are sweet and nutritious. They pair perfectly with yogurt or sprinkled on top of your favorite cereal. Blueberries grow on flowering shrubs and are typically small (about 0.5 inches in diameter). Blueberries are first green but then mature to a blue or purple hue as they become riper. There…

30 Days to Your Best Butt – Take This Squat Challenge
Get great legs and your best butt ever with our 30-day squat challenge. This squat challenge is simple and easy to follow for any lifter, from beginner to advanced. This program does not take a lot of time. Each day you’ll dedicate 10-15 minutes to the exercise(s) on the calendar…

7 Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar You Should Be Aware of
Apple cider is an age-old staple that has been used as a health remedy. Recently, it has gained popularity due to some of its health benefits, such as improving blood sugar levels and aiding weight loss. However, while it may help some, it can also have negative side effects. This…

How to Lose Weight in College – 18 Tips That Work
“Freshman 15:” The unwanted 15lb weight gain tends to strike college students struggling to create routines and healthy habits in their newfound freedom. Weight gain is undesirable when it impacts your energy, confidence levels, and current or future health. So, keep reading if you want to learn how to eat…

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Daily?
Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity in recent years and is often touted as a healthy cure-all for everything. From weight loss to digestive issues, and even helping to clear up acne, it’s known as a “miracle cure”. But what exactly does it do for your body and your health? …

Morning Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe for Weight Loss
Sipping an apple cider vinegar detox drink first thing every morning on an empty stomach can provide a slew of health benefits. Research shows apple cider vinegar (ACV) may improve the immune system and induce protective effects against red blood cell, kidney, and liver oxidative damage and counteract high blood…

10 Common Foam Rolling Mistakes You’re Probably Making
You’ve been there. The tight muscles. The soreness. It hurts to move. You’ve made gains in the gym but you’re paying for it the next day or the next. You’re experiencing what is called DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness. Enter: the foam roller (aka this trainer’s favorite self-care tool for…

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt has become one of the most popular yogurts in the dairy aisles. It is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than traditional yogurt, all while offering a similar nutrient profile. You might think it sounds too good to be true. Because of that, many people wonder, “is…