This Clamshell Exercise Works The Outer Thighs and Your Glutes
When you think of clams, do you think of the mollusk? Maybe sitting on a bed of lettuce? Served on a tray, a foam container, or maybe even in plastic bags by the beach? Clamshell packaging jokes aside, the clamshell exercise, also known as clams, is a curious exercise that…

How to Do a Lying Tricep Extension With Dumbbell, Barbell, and Cable
The Lying Tricep Extension is a fun, strength-building exercise that goes by quite a few names. It can also be called the French Extension or French Press. The most dramatic yet aptly titled is the “Skull Crusher”. Intimidated? Don’t be! This article will cover everything you need to know and…

How To Do Oblique Crunches: Steps, Benefits, and Variations
Today, you’ll finally learn how to do oblique crunches correctly to strengthen your core and obliques. Ask any fitness instructor, a strong core is imperative for movement, stability, and endurance. Your core, located in the midsection of your body, is made up of your transverse abdominis, internal and external obliques,…

Naked Yoga Class: Benefits and What to Expect
As yoga continues to gain popularity in mainstream culture, it understandably passes through (sometimes oddly-specific) trends. From goat yoga to toe yoga, there are many creative ways to spice up your yoga practice. One of the more prominent trends currently gaining interest is naked yoga. The idea of practicing yoga asana in…

32 Irresistible Snacks You Didn’t Know Are Gluten-Free
Gluten-free diets are increasingly popular. People with celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes damage to the intestines when gluten is consumed. Others may find they feel better on this diet because of gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found mainly in…

15 Best Post Workout Meals for Muscle Gain, Says a Dietitian
Some people believe that because they enjoy a good workout they don’t have to worry about what they eat after. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, choosing the best foods for our body is even more important after intense exercise. That’s because each of the macros…

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Take Fish Oil Every Day
Early epidemiologic studies found that people who had a high dietary intake of fish had less heart disease (1). This has led to much interest in the health benefits of eating fish and whether fish intake could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Fish are a source of lean…

This Is Why People Are Adding MCT Oil to Their Coffee
MCT oil is a semi-new product that has probably popped up on the shelves of your favorite health food stores and social media feeds. With all the hype, you would think it’s liquid gold. So what is it? Well, here we will break down the research for you (so you…

How to Do a Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Correctly
What Is a Romanian deadlift, anyway? Otherwise known as an RDL, a Romanian Deadlift is a functional exercise that builds strength and muscle in your lower back and posterior chain. There are different accounts as to where the name Romanian Dead Lift came from. The most common story says that…

Bulletproof Coffee: Benefits, Side Effects, and Recipe
You may have heard others rave about bulletproof coffee—also referred to as butter coffee or keto coffee—and the potential benefits it provides to your health. It is not your average cup of joe. It’s a favorite way for many keto dieters to start their day. Bulletproof coffee is a beverage…