Why Belly Fat Is Hard to Lose

How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks: 5 Simple Proven Methods

What if you could implement three simple habits to help you lose belly fat? According to research, three significant lifestyle changes can help you decrease your waistline. These changes can also greatly improve your health!

Decreasing belly fat is about more than feeling comfortable in your body. Excessive belly fat increases your risk of many dangerous medical conditions.

Too much belly fat increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Belly fat can also increase your risk of sleep apnea, certain cancers, and premature death. Interestingly, too much belly fat increases the risk of many diseases regardless of weight (123).

Why Belly Fat Is Hard to Lose

Lose belly fat in 2 weeks

Belly fat can be hard to lose for several reasons. One, the American diet promotes excessive belly fat.

The American diet is high in ultra-processed foods, refined sugar, and fried foods. These foods promote belly fat accumulation.

Many of us are also living stressful lives, which can increase the size of our waistlines. When we age, our belly fat also tends to increase due to a shift in hormones. 

How to Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

How to Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

While it’s not possible to lose all of your belly fat in 2 weeks, you can lose some of it quickly by following the 5 proven methods below.

1. Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress to Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

Stress causes our bodies to release cortisol. According to evidence, prolonged high cortisol levels increase belly fat accumulation (45). So, to reduce belly fat, we should eat foods that reduce anxiety.

Foods that help with stress include foods high in antioxidants and healthy fats. 

2. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet to Reduce Stress and Belly Fat

Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

People with anxiety have significantly lower levels of antioxidants in their bodies. According to one study, stress improved when people took antioxidants for 6 weeks (6). 

Another study showed that high-sugar diets increased abdominal fat. This study also found that antioxidants help fight against some of the poor outcomes of a high sugar diet (7). Good sources of antioxidants include: 

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Green tea 
  • Dark chocolate 
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

3. Consume Healthy Fats to Reduce Stress and Belly Fat

Consume Healthy Fats to Reduce Stress and Belly Fat

Like antioxidants, healthy fats may also help relieve stress (8). People who eat omega-3 healthy fats have lower cortisol levels (9).

A review of 21 studies found that waist sizes decreased when people took fish oil. (10). Nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, avocadoes, salmon, and tuna contain healthy fats. 

H3: Mindfully Eat and Exercise to Reduce Stress and Belly Fat

Mindful eating also helps us relax, which lowers cortisol levels while we are eating. To mindfully eat, simply slow down and enjoy each bite. Put your fork down between bites and notice the flavors in every bite. Make eating a time to relax. 

Exercise is another important stress reducer. Exercise releases hormones that help you feel happy and less stressed. Try to incorporate some type of exercise into your day every day. 

4. Reduce Refined Sugar and Refined Carbohydrate Intakes

Reduce Refined Sugar and Refined Carbohydrate Intakes

Eating high amounts of refined sugar and refined carbs is more likely to cause too much belly fat (11).

To prevent excessive belly fat, limit the number of sugary foods you eat. Sugary foods include things like packaged pastries, cookies, and candy. Also, choose condiments and sauces that have “no sugar added” on the label. 

Limit your intake of refined crackers, chips, white rice, and white bread and pasta. Healthier carbohydrate options are brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread, pasta, and crackers. (Tramadol)  

5. Eat More Probiotics

Eat More Probiotics

Gut health has a significant impact on, not only our weight but also our belly fat accumulation. In a double-blind study, participants took, either a daily probiotic or a placebo for 12 weeks.

In the probiotics group, abdominal fat significantly decreased. Interestingly, the belly fat in the placebo group did not change. Both groups started with higher belly fat (12).

Probiotics can help with stress, which can directly impact belly fat accumulation (13). 

Good sources of probiotics include:

  • Yogurt, 
  • Fermented pickles
  • Fermented sour kraut
  • Miso
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir. 

Probiotics can also help with stomach bloating and distention. So, probiotics can help your stomach appear smaller. 

Summary on How to Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

Abdominal fat increases the risk of the following:

  • Cardiovascular disease,
  • type 2 diabetes, 
  • High blood pressure, 
  • Sleep apnea, 
  • Certain cancers, 
  • Premature death.
  • Belly fat is sometimes difficult to lose. Americans often eat foods that promote belly fat accumulation. People are also more stressed than ever. Stress increases belly-fat-promoting hormones in the body. As we age, hormonal changes can also increase belly fat. 
  • Reducing stress can help decrease our waistline. Foods with antioxidants and healthy fats can help with stress. 
  • Mindful eating may also help lower stress levels and promote belly fat loss. 
  • Adding exercise into your daily life will help with stress. Exercise also helps decrease belly fat and promote weight loss. 
  • Refined sugar and refined carbohydrates can cause excess belly fat. Eating less ultra-processed and sugar foods l can help with belly fat loss. Hidden sugar is often found in packaged foods. Choose packaged foods that say “no sugar added” on the nutritional label. 

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