The Best Weight Loss Workout You Can Possibly Do Is Done In 4 Seconds
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The Best Weight Loss Workout You Can Possibly Do Is Done In 4 Seconds

There’s no doubt about it: losing weight is hard to do. In order to lose weight, a person needs to achieve a caloric deficit. Essentially, this means eating fewer calories than are expended through exercise (1).  While this seems straightforward on paper, it’s much easier said than done. However, recent research…

5 Best Rotator Cuff Exercises To Strengthen Shoulders and Ease Pain
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5 Best Rotator Cuff Exercises To Strengthen Shoulders and Ease Pain

The shoulder is a very complex and very mobile joint. Additionally, we use our shoulders for nearly every task we accomplish on a daily basis. For this reason, shoulder injuries are extremely common and often completely debilitating. One particular area of the shoulder that causes significant issues for many people…