4-Move Full-body resistance band workout

This 4-Move Resistance Band Workout Builds Full-body Strength in Just a Month

Challenge your fitness with this 4-move full-body resistance band workout in the next 4 weeks.

You can build full-body strength right at home without needing gym access or heavy equipment like dumbbells. 

A resistance band is one underrated workout tool that’s lightweight, portable, and affordable. You can use it anywhere to add resistance to almost any exercise to build strength. 

Whether you are planning a trip or like to be outdoor in the summer, it’s a great way to keep up with your fitness routine. 

Resistance bands are compact and super light, they can fit into any travel bag or backpack. 

Resistance bands are also versatile. They instantly add resistance to any move and up the intensity. They also allow you to add resistance to cardio moves without hindering the movements. This is something hard to achieve with weight equipment like dumbbells and barbells. 

Like dumbbells, resistance bands come in different resistance levels. You can choose from a lightweight band to a heavyweight band. Many bands come in packs, giving your various levels of resistance. Typically, band loads start around 5lbs and go up to 150 lbs. 

Be sure to test out different levels of bands before using them in your workouts. 

What You Need for This Workout Plan 

For this workout plan, be sure to have various loads from light to medium for beginners and medium to heavy for advanced. 

If you are new to working with bands, this 4-move full-body resistance band workout challenge will help you get started!

It only consists of 4 resistance band exercises. They are suitable for people of all fitness levels. You can take it up a notch or make it easier just by switching out the level of resistance band you use. 

If you are not familiar with the moves, I also recommend that you go through the movements without the band first to learn the correct mechanics. 

This 4-week plan will help you build strength all over the body and help you transform your body in 4 weeks!

How the Resistance Band Challenge Works

For the next 4 weeks, you’ll have 4 exercises total to perform on different days. 

Your week consists of 4 workout days, 1 cardio day, and 2days of rest. Each week, your reps and sets will go up to keep your body challenged and build strength.

Each exercise primarily targets different muscle groups. But all exercises are compound moves that target multiple muscle groups at once. This method helps you to be efficient with your workout while doing less! 

Each workout day, complete the exercises in the order given. The reps and sets are assigned, but feel free to adjust if you need more or less. 

4 Full-Body Resistance Band Workout to Build Strength

In this full-body resistance band workout plan, you’ll be performing four compound strength training exercises.

The type of resistance band used for demonstration is a loop band. It’s a type of band with no handles. It’s a continuous loop that’s big enough to fit half of your body.

This type of loop band is incredibly versatile for full-body workouts. 

If you only have ones with handles, you can use that in place of a loop band. 

1. Resistance Band Squat

Resistance Band Squat
  • Target muscles: Hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors
  • Secondary muscles: core, arms, chest, and back 

A resistance band squat is a convenient way to build strength and add muscle to your body. 

Just like a bodyweight squat, it targets hamstrings, glutes, and quads. By adding a band, you add resistance to the same move and make it that much more challenging. 

It’s also an effective way to control the squat’s up and down movement, ensuring the right muscle is targeted. 

It forces your muscles to work under tension from start to finish, giving your lower body the maximum burn. 

Squatting with resistance bands also targets the muscles in the abs, core, and back. 

Here is how to perform a resistance band squat: 

  1. Stand on the band and adjust your feet to be about shoulder-width apart. Grab the top of the band and bring your hand to the shoulders. Open your palms and let them face up towards the ceilings. 
  2. Squat down the same way you would with a bodyweight squat. Keep the tension in the band throughout. (sematext.com)  
  3. With control, slowly come up while squeezing your glutes and keeping your abs tight. That’s one rep. 

2. Resistance Band Push-Ups

Resistance Band Push-Ups
  • Target muscles: Chest, shoulders, and core 
  • Secondary muscles: glutes, hip flexors, and hamstrings 

Push-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises for strength building. They engage everything from the chest, shoulders, and triceps to your core. 

To some extent, they also work your glutes, back, and hamstrings, making it a full-body workout on its own. 

But without a band, they are limited to just your bodyweight. 

Resistance bands offer a great opportunity to add more resistance to the regular pushups, making them even more challenging. 

It’s a great way to build a bigger chest, stronger arms, and a more fit upper body. 

If you are new to pushups or exercising, skip the use of a band for this exercise. You can add a lightweight band as you progress. 

Here is how to do it: 

  1. Hold the band at both ends of the band. Loop it around your back. Keep the band in place as you get into a pushup position. 
  2. Get into a pushup position as you normally would. Keep the band in place on your upper back and perform pushups. Your band may slip, but you’ll be able to keep it from slipping with some practice! 

3. Resistance Band Row

Resistance Band Row
  • Target muscles: Arms and back 
  • Secondary muscles: core, glutes, hip flexors, and hamstrings 

For those struggling with constant back pain, this exercise is great for strengthening your back! 

The back muscles get too often neglected in many strength training routines. But it’s one area of your body that’s prone to constant pain and nagging. 

It’s essential to strengthen your back as you work other major muscles like legs, core, and abs. 

The resistance band standing row exercise is perfectly suitable for this purpose. It engages back stabilizing muscles that are responsible for posture and stability. 

Row exercises often get performed with a pair of dumbbells, but at home, a loop band is a perfect tool. 

Here is how to perform this exercise:

  1. Hold the band at both ends of the loop. Find the middle and stand on top of the band. Adjust your feet, so they are about shoulder-width apart and your toes are pointing forward. 
  2. Keep a slight bend in your knees and keep your back flat. Don’t let your back sag or curve throughout the movements. 
  3. Brace your core, and from the shoulder blades, pull your elbows up and back behind you. Make sure that only your arms and shoulders are moving, not the rest of your body. 
  4. With control, return to the starting point. That’s one rep. 

4. Resistance Band Deadlift 

Resistance Band Deadlift 
  • Target muscles: Hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors
  • Secondary muscles: core, arms, chest, and back 

The deadlift is one of the most effective exercises for the lower body. It’s known as the king of all exercises, and it’s for a good reason. 

You see many people in the gym performing this exercise with heavyweights like a barbell, but you can do this at home with a resistance band. 

It’s a great exercise to target the back of your legs, glutes, and hip flexors. Indirectly, you are also working the core and back stabilizing muscles. 

Here is how to perform this exercise: 

  1. Holding the ends of the band, step onto the middle of the band. Adjust your feet, so they are shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward. Brace your core and keep your chest up, while keeping your back straight. 
  2. Keep a slight bend in your knees and hinge your hips back. Don’t let it pass your knees. This is the starting position.
  3. Tighten your glutes, driving them forward. Do not just lean back. At the top, pause for 1-2 seconds, feeling the contraction in your glutes, then return to the starting position. This is one rep. 

Week 1: 


  • Squat (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Push-ups (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 


  • ​ 30 Minute cardio activity of your choice


  • Push-ups (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Deadlift (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Bent-Over Row (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets




  • Squat (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Push-ups (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Deadlift (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets


  • Squat (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Push-ups (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets 
  • Deadlift (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets
  • Bent Over Rows (Light RB) 10-12 reps x 3 sets



Week 2 

  • Light resistance band
  • Same schedule with 12-15 reps x 3 sets 

Week 3

  • Medium resistance band
  • Same schedule with 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Week 4 

  • Heavy resistance band 
  • Same schedule with 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Depending on your starting fitness level, feel free to change your resistance, reps, and sets to make them more suitable for your needs. 

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