bulletproof knees exercise

The One Exercise You Should Be Doing to Bulletproof Your Knees

Got weak knees? Here is how to bulletproof your knees with this single exercise. 

This is how with just a few minutes a day. 

Weak knees and knee pain are struggles many people face daily. Not only a knee problem can keep you from daily activities like grocery shopping but also put a limit on your active life. (Provigil)  

If you are experiencing weakness in the knee, here is one exercise that can strengthen your joint and supporting muscles. 

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Bulletproofing Your Knees

Bulletproofing Your Knees

The knees are the largest joints in the body that bear much of the body weight. They are a crucial part of your daily movements like walking, climbing the stairs, and even squatting down. 

Even with some routine daily motions, your knees can begin to wear out. 

This is why it’s so important to strengthen your knees on a regular basis. 

Not bulletproofing your knees can lead to instability, imbalances, and avoidable pain and injuries. 

Before you get to the knee strengthening exercise, please take note that this exercise isn’t for people who are already in pain. 

If you are currently having knee pain, be sure to consult with a local physical therapist to assess your needs. The treatment and action plan for you may need to be tailored to your condition and particular needs. 

Once you are clear to work out and feel comfortable with the exercise, add this one knee strengthening exercise to your routine. 

It’ll help you strengthen your knees, and adjacent muscles like hamstrings, adductors, and quads. What’s more, it’ll also improve your balance and lower body stability. 

The Wall Squat

The Wall Squat

The wall squat, also known as the wall sit is an excellent exercise for bulletproofing your knees without putting pressure on the joint. 

It’s performed by squatting against a wall and holding the position for a period of time. You’ll be engaging the quadriceps muscles that actively support the knee joints. 

They not only absorb the shocks from repetitive pounding activities but also help your knees carry and perform their duties. 

How to perform the wall sit exercise: 

  1. Find a flat, clean wall that’s safe to lean against. 
  2. Stand facing against the wall with your feet slightly wider than the shoulder-width apart. 
  3. Slide down to get into a squat position where your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle and make sure they don’t pass your toes. 
  4. Engage your core and hold this squat position for 30 seconds. 
  5. Perform 1-3 sets, depending on your capability. 
  6. Add this to your regular routine several times a week for a few minutes at a time. 

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