Kettlebell workout for beginners

This Six-Move Kettlebell Workout Will Give You a Full Body Burn

Looking to add kettlebell exercises to your workout routine? These kettlebell moves are a great way to burn calories, and fat, and build muscles.

Depending on the exercises, a kettlebell workout can help you burn 13.6 calories per minute, says an ACE study. Calorie burned at this level is similar to running a six-minute mile pace. 

That’s a great burn without having to run! 

In addition to burning calories, kettlebell exercises can also help develop your cardiovascular fitness. 

The kettlebell is one of the most versatile free weights. You can use it to enhance strengthening, cardio, and power exercises. 

According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), kettlebell workouts help improve strength, cardio, balance, and core stability.

Below I’ll share a quick full-body kettlebell workout routine you can do in 10 minutes. 

10-Minute Full-Body Kettlebell Workout

10-minute full body kettlebell workout

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Circuit 1:

  • Russian Swings: Reps 12 x 3
  • Squat to Row: Reps 10 x 3
  • Split lunges: Reps 10 (per side) x 3

Res 30 seconds 

Circuit 2:

  • One-Leg RDL: Reps 10 (per side) x 3
  • Russian Twits: Reps 10 (per side) x 3
  • One-Arm Row: Reps 10 (Per side) x 3
full body kettlebell workout

All you need is one kettlebell to perform this quick workout. Use a weight that allows you to perform 8-10 reps. If you feel like you can do more reps, your weight might be too light. 

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